
It was almost a familiar scene till recent years, when you pass by a house in your neighbourhood, you can see an elderly woman sitting on the veranda helping a young girl oiling her hair. Most probably they are using a home made hair oil – with stems, leaves & medicinal plants- made as endorsed […]
Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is distilled using steam from the leaves of a plant called Melaleuca alternifolia native to Australia. It is noticeable for its camphor like scent and is gentle to the skin with its signature cooling sensation. Before the age of modern medicine, the Australian aborigines took advantage of the medicinal properties of this […]
Turmeric Blog

Turmeric is used since time immemorial in Ayurvedic, Eastern & Chinese medical systems to treat a variety of ailments and disorders of digestive system, skin, respiratory system and liver. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in these traditional medical systems mainly due to the presence of a chemical called Curcumin, which is […]