Benefits of Charcoal

Benefits of Charcoal

Lately, the buzz word “ Activated Charcoal” is seen on the cover of items as a special ingredient- from facemasks to deodorants to pore strips to ice-creams. This make people think- what’s so special about activated charcoal? Is this just a hype or are there any tangible benefits?Well, let’s nose dive into this.Activated charcoal or carbon is not the plain vanilla barbeque charcoal that we know of. Well, it is formed when a material that’s high in carbon is treated with oxygen at high temperatures. As cool as it may sound, the process invariably increases the number of pores and thus the surface area of the material under “activation” is multiplied many folds. This increase in pores and surface area helps the material to adsorp toxic particles more effectively and thus activated charcoal is way better efficient as a natural skin cleanser.If we look into human history, we can see that activated charcoal has been used in medicine since antiquity, particularly to treat toxin overdoses and poisoning. When it is administered to patients orally, it’s porous nature helps in adsorping the toxins in the stomach thus preventing the toxins from getting absorbed into the human body.

Beauty, wellness & charcoalThe ability of charcoal to flush out toxins, chemicals & impurities make it an ideal constituent of modern day beauty products. It’s natural, harmless as no chemical reaction takes place in its action. It’s worth noting here that our ancestors used charcoal to clean stains from their teeth & skin because of its special intrinsic characteristics.The absorbing power of activated charcoal can also help in:●     Cleansing of skin pores- removing dirt, pollutants, dead skin cells and impurities from skin
●     Skin detox
●     Effective acne management
●     Remedy for oil & sebum from skin & scalp
●     As an exfoliation agent
●     In tightening skin poresThe effects of activated charcoal can vary depending on the product. It’s perfect for anyone with oily skin or those prone to breakouts. It’s also ideal for all skin types during the hotter months, when the production of sweat and sebum generally increases.On the hair, it’s most effective on oily scalps and those who are susceptible to dandruff or itching.What’s activated charcoal perfect for?Consider including beauty products with charcoal if you are living in a hot, humid country- like India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, etc where chances of sweating is high. Charcoal is ideal to manage problems related to acne, oily skin and scalps. It can be highly effective against itchy skin and dandruff breakouts.Get the Activated Charcoal advantage with ManaraIts a great way to treat you skin Manara Charcoal Body Wash to remove the dirt, pollutants and other harmful agents on the skin to bring back its long lost lustre, elasticity and tone. Manara Charcoal Face Wash helps managing your skin health while following your busy schedules-cleansing your skin, removing dirt, pollutants, dead skin cells and impurities from skin, etc.

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